Sunday Morning Coffee

 For those lazy Sunday’s where you want to just surf the interweb and get caught up on all the things you missed during your busy everyday life, SenShot brings to you Sunday Morning Coffee for your one stop round up of all the happenings during the week.

  • In the biggest news of the week, GM Byran Murray received a contract extension this week. It’s for 3 more years which means Murray will see this rebuild all the way through. 
  • After Saturday’s final game, as expected, Coach Cory Clouston was let goby the organization. Also getting the axe was assistant coaches Brad Lauer and Greg Carvel. The coaching search begins.
  • SenShot added to its team this week and introduced new staff writer, Derrick Brose. Welcome to the team ‘D’.
  • GM Byran Murray once again dipped into the NCAA free agent pool and signed 24 yr old forward Pat Cannone. The University of Miami-Ohio senior will report to the Binghamton Senators.
  • In Jared’s latest edition of “In the GM’s Chair: What Would Jared Do?“, he takes a look at loyalty and if it belongs in the business of the NHL.
  • Derrick takes a look at the roller-coaster sophomore season of young Swede, Erik Karlsson.
  • Why does everybody hate PK Subban? Tony takes a look at the young star.
  • Derrick gives Sens fans who will be pining for playoff days gone by, a survival guide on how to survive the long summer in Ottawa.
  • Derrick takes a look at the Francis Lessardhit against the Habs and wonders why Lessard is even in the NHL.
  • Is there room for apologies in hockey, Jared takes a look.

That’s your news for the week. Check back here at SenShot everyday Sunday for a recap of the week’s happenings.


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