The Ottawa Senators Had An Amazing Year, In Case You Didn’t Know


Here’s another around the web, this time featuring a compilation of post-season thoughts.

This one contains all sorts of variety. From Silver Seven, we see an awesome top 10 list that reminds us how great the year was. At WTYKY we find a humorous approach to the seasons thoughts, and from 6th Sens and the Ottawa Sun, we find serious approaches that do a great job in defining the season that was 14-15.

Silver Seven “Top Ten: 2014-15 Ottawa Senators” – Ross A. 

Submission: Jack Leiper

Ross over at Silver Seven takes a look at the top ten moments from the season, and there are plenty to choose from. Memorable games were abundant, especially considering the stretch Ottawa had later on.

"The Take: Well, this Around The Web has appeared to have turned into a full-list of all those “feel-good” end-of-season posts. Ross’ top ten at S7S is a great one, as it reminded me about all those games I may have forgotten about this year.How about the time Erik Condra scored a hat trick (kind of), or Colin Greening’s highlight reel goal (sorry Colin, I jest). Anyways, what a year. Some amazing moments, take a look at this post as it accurately portrays what the 14-15 Senators stood for."

WTYKY “Roundtable of Death: The Sens are Dead” – Luke P. 

Submission: Zachary Prenner

The guys over at WTYKY have a season finale of their Roundtable of Death series. In it they do a postmortem on the Senators’ season, including a lot of philosophical waxing on fandom and The Streak.

If you’re also looking for Avengers: Age of Ultron spoilers, some Rolling Stones, and classics of the Greek kind, then definitely check this out.

6th Sens “Eulogizing the 2014-15 Ottawa Senators” – Nichols

Submission: Trevor Shackles

Nichols has a fantastic long read at The 6th Sens, eulogizing the 2014-15 Senators. It was a hell of a season and you can relive it all here.

"The Take: Skip the Yahoo eulogy and head straight for this one. Rather than a bashing of what was an incredible season, Nichols takes a nice approach at looking back to the Senators’ year. Specifically, I like how he talks about the young man’s game and how Bryan Murray has acknowledged that. Chris Phillips and Chris Neil seem to be unknowns, but throw David Legwand into that mix and the Senators have three very replaceable vets on the roster. A great season and an interesting off-season coming up."

Ottawa Sun “Open Letter To The Ottawa Senators” – Susan Sherring 

Submission: Jack Leiper

Well, this is a nice piece from the Ottawa Sun. Susan Sherring takes a look at everything surrounding the Senators’ run and some of the importances it held.

"I’ve said many of the same things for the above posts, but this one to me emphasized how great a season it really was. Look at all the storylines.The hotshot rookies, Hoffman and Stone. Curtis Lazar breaking into the league as a 19-year-old, Ottawa’s swedish treasure taking over as captain for the first time.. and who could forget.. the Hamburglar. Wow. I don’t think I’m going to get over this season anytime soon as it will hold a big piece in the memories of Senators fans everywhere.Here’s to 2014-15.__"


Ottawa Senators: 5 Things To Be Proud Of – I totally agree with Jay in his analysis in this piece. Awesome stuff, and although the season is over, you can’t say Ottawa didn’t put up a fight. Bobby Ryan had a poor end of the year, but can only bounce back next season. Take a look at Jay’s post. Jay – 5 things to be proud of. 

The Senators’ Season Ended Abruptly, But Our Hopes Didn’t – Trevor’s piece is similar to Jay’s in the sense that it touches on hopes for the future and the seasons success. Specifically, Trevor mentions the names Patrick Wiercioch and Erik Condra who may have bought themselves new lives in Ottawa based on their late season play. Trevor – Hopes. 

Trevor gives us his final 2015 season awards. With two Senators up for the prizes, how did they do according to Trevor? Trevor – NHL Season Awards. 

Can Chris Phillips Contribute To The Ottawa Senators Again? Chris Phillips – Contribute?

Is Mark Stone the best Senators Rookie Of All-Time? Mark Stone – Rookie. 

SENATORS Season End Vote: Top Forward

SENATORS Season End Vote: Most Improved

Next: Ottawa Senators Top Forward 2014-15

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