SenShot Predicts….Round 2

All right, we SenShot writers have some proving to do in round 2, based on the standings in our own hockey pool.  In the interest of transparency, we are posting our own picks in advance of the series starting, so you can make your decisions.  Apparently if our first round results are any indication, if you are the betting type, you will pick the opposite of our picks!

Here are the SenShot writers’ picks for round 2:

Series TonyDerrickJared
WSH vs TBWSH in 5WSH in 5WSH in 6
PHI vs BOSBOS in 7BOS in 6PHI in 7
VAN vs NSHVAN in 7NSH in 6VAN in 5
SJ vs DETDET in 6SJ in 7SJ in 7

For our thoughts on the individual series’, check out Tony’s ROUND 2 PREVIEW!

Enjoy Round Two!


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