Ottawa Senators Greatest Players: Number – 5 Dany Heatley

OTTAWA - MARCH 7: Dany Heatley
OTTAWA - MARCH 7: Dany Heatley /

Today is the beginning of the top five greatest players in Ottawa Senators history. In the fifth position is a player who had an unspectacular exit from the team. However, he was the best goal scorer in Sens history by far, Dany Heatley.

Prior to the end of the 2005-2006 lockout Heatley requested a trade away from the Atlanta Thrashers. Heatley wanted a change as he was haunted by a car crash he was involved in that caused the death of a teammate. The Sens sent a package that included star winger Marian Hossa to the Thrashers in exchange for Heatley.

Prior to joining the Sens Heatley was already a budding star and was considered among the best goal scorers in the game. However, he hit his peak while in Ottawa. In his first season with the Sens he scored 50 goals and 103 points. Additionally he put up 12 points in 10 playoff games.

The next season expectations were high for Heatley as he had just become the first player in Sens history to score 50 goals. He went above and beyond the next year as he scored 50 goals again and this time had 105 points. It was this season that the Sens went to the Stanley Cup Final. Heatley would be one of the biggest offensive catalysts for the Sens as he put up 22 points in 20 games.

Regression And Trade Request

The next two seasons Heatley regressed slightly in both points and goals but still remained among the league elite. He put up 41 goals and 82 points in 2008 despite only playing 71 games. His final year in Ottawa came in 2009 where he scored 39 goals and 72 points.

Following 2009 Heatley requested a trade from the Ottawa Senators. This came as a shock to both fans and management as Heatley was just one year into a six season contract. It came as a result of new Head Coach Cory Clouston cutting his ice time. Heatley felt that this was unfair and was a big cause of his dip in production. Fulfilling this trade was difficult as Heatley’s cap hit of 7.6 million meant that many teams didn’t have room for him. Heatley turned down a trade to Edmonton which angered fans even further. However, the Sens eventually sent Heatley to the San Jose Sharks for a package that included Milan Michalek.

Heatley had a controversial ending to his time in Ottawa. It was heartbreaking for fans to lose such a potent scorer who at the time had been a fan favourite. Since then he has become one of the least popular players in Ottawa Senators history. However, despite his lack of popularity there’s no denying his positive impact on the Sens.

Next: Ottawa Senators Greatest Players: Number – 6 Marian Hossa

The Sens Best Scorer

In just 317 games, Heatley posted 362 points. That’s still good enough eight in Ottawa Senators history. Additionally, it makes Heatley one of only two players to finish their time in Ottawa with more than a point per game. Heatley was also one of the most crucial pieces in getting the Sens to their only Stanley Cup Final. Heatley is the only player to score 50 goals for the Sens and one of two to score 100 points. He did each twice. Although he might not be popular, Heatley isn’t just the best goal scorer in Sens history, he’s the best offensive player the Sens have ever iced.