Do It For Daron, the program that was started out of the tragic and shocking death of Daron Richardson 14 months ago, is making February “Power to the Purple” month. This month you will be seeing purple everywhere, in an effort to create awareness, inspire conversation and break the stigma attached to mental illness so that people are not afraid to get help when it is needed. It is also a key fundraising m0nth to raise money to be put toward research, care and suicide prevention.
The Royal Mental Health Foundation along with the Do It For Daron group, have issued a challenge for this month. They have a School Challenge, a Corporate Challenge and a Community Challenge that anyone can get involved in to spread the word and to raise funds for a cause so very close to the hearts of the likes of Daniel Alfredsson (the public face of the You Know Who I Am program) as well as assistant coach Luke Richardson (father of Daron).
I urge you to participate in one of the challenges, in fact, you can join our team!
There are 2 ways you can help:
1. Join Team SenShot :
If you want to help us reach our goal by raising money, click HERE to join Team SenShot. You can register and get your friends and family to sponsor you, and contribute to SenShot’s team goal. Search for Team SenShot and add your name to our team.
2. Sponsor Me In Reaching the Goal:
If you don’t want to raise funds on your own but still want to help, you can sponsor me in the effort. It is very simple, just click the link below to go to my own personal page, and you can pledge online.
D.I.F.D. Take the Power to the Purple Challenge.
I appreciate your support, and have a couple of prizes to give out at the end of the month. For those who join the challenge, I will have a draw for a pair of Senators Tickets, and for those who pledge $20 or more on my personal page, I will have a draw for a pair of Ottawa 67’s tickets.
All this in addition to knowing you are contributing to a great cause!