So I caved in and bought the Daniel Alfredsson replica All-Star player jersey seeing as this is likely his last All-Star appearance. Unfortunately though, the quality of the replica All-Star player jersey is noticeably worse than that of the regular team jerseys (all produced by Reebok). Here’s a quick review of the jersey:
From a distance the jersey looks fairly slick (minus the fact that the crest used is simply a coloured version of the NHL logo). There’s quite a bit going on with the 3 stars on the bottom of the jersey on each side and one at the end of each sleeve. As well the player’s number is located on the front above the crest. The crest itself is the highest quality part of the jersey (which isn’t saying much as it’s the exact same as those you would find on regular NHL jerseys).
The All-Star shoulder patch and star patches are also fairly high quality as well (similar to the shoulder patches you find on a regular NHL jersey).
The nameplate consists of individual letters stitched on to to a solid white piece that is then attached to the jersey. A difference I notice immediately is that the white piece is oval shaped versus the rectangular shape found on Sens jerseys. No complaints from me here though, it gives the jersey a unique look.
However, the remaining portions on the jersey are all very cheaply done, which should be unacceptable when the replica player jersey costs $250. They are all screenprinted onto the jersey, which is a thin rubbery like material that can wear down very quickly through washing, folding or minor wear and tear (they are used on replica NBA jerseys). I’m very surprised they use such a cheap material as I’ve never seen them used on any Senators jersey before.
As you can see below, the captain C and team shoulder logo are both screenprinted. The shoulder logo felt very flimsy and looked like it could be torn or worn down very easily.
As well, all the player numbers are screenprinted. Dissapointing, considering that regular NHL jerseys are all stitched on.
Overall, the All-Star replica jerseys are a disappointment. If worn regularly like you would a team replica jersey, the All-Star replica jersey would in my mind begin showing wear and tear very quickly (as I have experience with replica NBA jerseys that used screenprinting that wore down quickly). If anything the replica jersey is just an expensive piece of memorobilia. If you can’t afford it you may be better off buying an All-Star tshirt as I would say that the replica jersey is in no way shape or form worth the $250 price tag. Disappointing indeed…