SenShot Will Go On!

To all SenShot readers, we would like to Thank you  for supporting us throughout the season. You have made SenShot one of the top NHL sites on the Fansided network and we are happy to be a little part of your daily lives.

But have no fear, just because our beloved Senators are out of the playoffs, that does not mean SenShot will take a break. With a long off-season ahead, we have big plans to keep you entertained and informed about your Ottawa Senators and the NHL.

And with the Binghamton Senators in the AHL playoffs this year, we will be following their playoff run.

So remember, check back here everyday for your daily fix, and we promise that we’ll bring you an off-season full of edutainment.

“Til next time, GO SENS GO!!!


Thanks for reading and as always, comments are welcomed.

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