GM Byran Murray Speaks about the Re-Signing of Craig Anderson

Courtesy of SensTV, GM Byran Murray speaks to the media about the re-signing of goalie Craig Anderson to a 4yr $12.75 million contract ($3.18 million per season).

Just a few interesting points from the press conference:

  • Murray claims to know who the “REAL” Craig Anderson is. Murray is a good judge of talent and was smart in trading for Anderson to see him play live so he could get a better gauge on him. Hopefully, we’ll see the “REAL” Craig Anderson during this contract
  • Murray mentioned he wanted to see how Anderson was in the room and how he interacted with the team. I guess by the contract, all has gone well. Good news to hear for a dressing room plagued with issues in year’s past.
  • Murray also mentioned he wanted to see how Anderson could handle the pressure of playing in a hockey-mad market like Ottawa. With many goalies crumbling under the pressure, Anderson has been able to handle it so far in his short time here.
  • Murray believes Anderson can be a good mentor to Robin Lehner as Anderson is a good communicator and hard worker. Hopefully Anderson doesn’t mind be hunted though.
  • Murray believes Robin Lehner is a few years away from being a full-time NHL goalie. This 4 yr contract gives Lehner all the time he needs to develop his skill and master his craft.
  • In surprising news, Murray announced that Pascal Leclaire will not be re-signed. In unrelated news, anyone want to buy a Leclaire Sens jersey?
  • Murray also mentioned that he wants to make it a priority to draft a goalie in this year’s NHL Entry Draft. With Lehner as the lone goalie prospect in the system, Ottawa needs to find some kids who can stop the puck.
  • Lastly, Murray doesn’t know if Curtis McElhinney will be re-signed at this point. He has looked great in his three starts, but it has yet to be determined what his future holds in Ottawa.


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