Welcome to Ottawa, young lads

The NHL Draft is a pretty cool thing, Since I love in this putrid city called Montreal, I went to the big bonnanza, and it was pretty cool being in the same place as future superstars. I think the Sens’ organization did a good job this year, and are really showing signs of improvement. Here’s my analysis of the first 3 picks the Sens made this year.

Jared Cowen- D from Spokane Chiefs
Even though MPS fell down quite a bit, Murray chose Cowen because, truth be told, ever since Big Z left, we have never had a big, physical defenseman, and Cowen will help that cause in the future. Jared is a physical, punishing defenseman who uses his ize to his advantage. He won’t allow you to get past him and also a strong shot from the point. Erik Karlsson’s relative small size is overcome as his futre defensive partner makes up for it. The best thing however is that he only needs one more year of conditioning and he’s ready for the big leagues. His knee is still in question but I think he’ll overcome the critics.

Jakob Silfverberg- RW from Brynas Jr.
Even though I would have liked Zach Budish with the pick, Silfverberg is a very nice pick. He’s a solid, two-way player who has good hockey sense and works well. He has playmaking abilities along with a strong shot. Bryan Murray and Sens fans alike are all hoping he’ll transfer into the next Daniel Alfredsson. He needs to work on his overall frame and needs time to grow into a better player but this is a solid pick and will be on Sweden’s team at the World Juniors.

Robin Lehner- G from Frolunda
I must say, I love this pick. We need a goalie and Swedish goalies have developed into one of the best in the league. and Lehner will continue that. I have a friend who has followed Lehner closely and said “He’s a very good goalie with amazing reflexes, good puck-handling skills, solid rebound control, and a knack to see the puck well. He’ll be a future starting goaltender for the Sens in a few years and will join Bingo after his contract expires this year. Great pick by Ottawa”.

I also have some news on the Heatley front and on Auld for Russell. Bryan Murray stated to Darren Dreger many times last night that everything is dead on the Dany Heatley sweepstakes. All have heard that the Minnesota Wild are new contenders for the services of Heater, but a source said lat last night that the New York Rangers may have become the frontrunners last evening at the Draft. They can certainly play the 4 million bonus owed to Heatley on July 1st and have the right package in return for Heatley. I’m hearing Sather may offer Nikolai Zherdev, Marc Staal, Derek Stepan, and the Rangers’ 1st round pick in the 2010 Draft for Heatley and Alexandre Picard. Now, to the Auld for Rusell rumor. I’ve been told the two sides are coming to an agreement but Columbus wants a low-level prospect such as John Hennessey along with Auld. It will be very interesting Sens fans as July 1st comes closer and closer.